Pain Pumps Lawsuit Funding Settlement Cash Advance

Have you had arthroscopic shoulder surgery where a pain pump was used to alleviate your pain during your recovery? Did you experience another devastating injury when your doctor told you that you now have Chondrolysis? Chrondrolysis is an abbreviated medical term for Postarthroscopic Glenohumeral Chondrolysis, a permanent condition that can cause you years of pain and more surgeries.
Pain pumps have been linked to this serious condition. The pump was designed to deliver painkilling medication to the shoulder following surgery, but the drugs were found to be killing cartilage cells and leading to a deterioration of the shoulder joint. A number of lawsuits have alleged that certain companies, including Stryker, DJO, Inc., I-Flow, Inc., and BREG Inc. Had unlawfully marketed their pain pumps after the FDA had rejected their use, and did not warn surgeons and physicians about the high incidences of Chondrolysis after use of the pumps.
Victims of pain pumps have reported symptoms 3-12 months following their surgeries such as a decreased shoulder range of motion, an inability to lift significant weight, and pain while at rest or while using their arms. You have undoubtedly retained an attorney and may have already filed a claim or a lawsuit if your physician had a pain pump administer anesthetics to you following your arthroscopic surgery. If you now have Chondrolysis, then you may be experiencing pain and significant limitations in your daily activities.
You may be facing a number of future surgeries and the likelihood that your injured shoulder will never be the same. You may have already accumulated thousands of dollars in medical bills, not all of which are covered by your health insurance. Further, you may have missed months of work and are facing more loss of work if you have to endure additional surgeries. Then, there are the uncertainty and anxiety of a future of pain and difficulties engaging in even daily, routine activities. Meanwhile, your attorney has had to gather all your medical and other records. If the manufacturer refused your claim, your attorney had to file a lawsuit. If this occurred, you face months or years of legal wrangling. Most victims find it hard to wait for compensation from their lawsuits, and many settle early for less than the full value of their claims.
Don’t Settle Early-Consider Lawsuit Cash Today
If you have a substantial injury from a personal injury accident or from the use of a defective product, you have a valuable resource in the of Lawsuit Cash Today. Lawsuit Cash Today offers pre-settlement cash advances to seriously injured victims with viable lawsuits who have legal representation. We do not require collateral, background or credit checks, proof of a steady source of income, cosigners, or monthly payments. Our funds are all non-recourse. We are only paid back when your case settles or results in a money judgment. If you should lose your case, you owe us nothing. Imagine getting cash now from your lawsuit before it settles!
Look at the Benefits of Lawsuit Cash Today
- We offer 24/7 access to our company
- No credit check or employment verification is necessary
- We are direct funders so no outside funders consult on your case
- Our rates are flexible and highly competitive
- We have a free, online application you can quickly complete and submit
- No out-of-pocket costs<
- No monthly payments
- No collateral
- Fast approval and funding within 24 hours in many cases
- Large or small cash advances
All you need to do is to complete our free, online application or call us with the information if you prefer. There is no need for a credit check or employment verification, so we could be talking to your attorney the same day you submit your application. If we approve your request, which can be done in one day in some cases, we will immediately send you and your attorney our terms and cash offer. Should you accept our offer, you can have your funds in as little as 24 hours. Waiting months or years for much needed funds is no longer necessary.
Don’t worry about making monthly payments to us or risk losing your car or other collateral. With Lawsuit Cash Today, pain pump lawsuit funding, all you have to concern yourself with is recovering from your injuries. We also offer post-settlement advances if you are experiencing a delay in getting your funds. If you have a structured settlement and would like more cash, contact us. We can purchase one or several structured settlement payments, or even whole annuities from people who want their cash now. You no longer have to worry about when your case will settle before getting some of the compensation you deserve. And don’t be tempted by settling early for less than the value of your injury claim. You have a valuable resource in Lawsuit Cash Today. Contact us today and see if we can help:
To fill out our FREE 30 second application simply – CLICK HERE
Additional Resources:
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