Electrocution Accidents Lawsuit Funding Settlement Cash Advance

Electrocution Accidents Lawsuit Funding – One of the most violent and instantaneous injuries you can receive is from electrocution or electrical shock. Persons who work around and with electricity are always at risk, but if you are not accustomed to electrical work and you attempt a task that puts you in contact with an electrical source, you are also risking electrocution. Electrical injuries or electrocution is typically suffered by electricians or construction workers, although contact with a downed power line or defective machinery by non-workers can also lead to these electrocution accidents. There is a high or low voltage electrical injuries. An injury with an electrical source that is above 1000 volts is considered as a high voltage injury.
Electricity that courses through the body can cause the victim to fall from a height or to be propelled an astonishing distance, causing injuries such as broken limbs, cuts, sprains or even more serious injuries such as head trauma, brain injuries, or disc injuries. The actual electrocution injuries can be devastating, causing unconsciousness, heart failure, cardiac arrhythmia, nervous system damage that can lead to seizures and shock, loss of hearing, muscular deformity, organ damage, and others. Serious burns and permanent scarring are also a consequence. If these injuries lead to disability or loss of work, legal funding or a pre-settlement cash advance may be an answer for victims of this type of injury.
If you have a lawsuit concerning an electrocution injury and are represented by an attorney, you probably have a lawsuit that is serious and involves extensive discovery and investigation by your attorney. This is where Lawsuit Cash Today can help. We are a legal funding company that offers pre-settlement and post-settlement cash advances while your lawsuit is being prosecuted by your attorney. Many electrocution victims are unable to work for months or longer. They may be counting on a settlement to pay their medical bills and other daily living expenses and to give them a lasting cushion to live on, but lawsuits are often vigorously defended against and months can turn into years.
Lawsuit Cash Today can be your answer to receiving funding for your claim. The cash advance is leveraged against your future settlement and is called a non-recourse cash advance. Should your case not be successful, you have no obligation to pay us back. We take all the risk. Our approval process is easy and fast. All you need to do is complete, our free, online application. No credit check or employment verification is necessary. And because we are direct lenders, no third party or outside lender needs to be consulted.
We will review your application and talk to your attorney about your case. If we approve your request, we will submit our documents and cash offer to you and your attorney to review. If you accept, your cash can be in your hands in as little as 24 hours later. Our rates are as competitive as any other lender, and our customer service is second to none. We are open 7 days a week, so you can contact us or submit your application at any time. There is no need to wait months to get cash for your lawsuit. Contact Lawsuit Cash Today and see what we can do for you.
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