Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Loans? – According to industry experts, 20 million workers in the US get fired or laid off each year. Many are valid terminations, such as in cases of companies losing too much money. In others, the workers did something that made their employer give them the pink slip.
However, the studies also found that at least 150,000 US workers end up unjustly fired each year.

If you’re one of these workers, you may qualify for wrongful termination lawsuit loans. These “loans” provide litigation funding for illegally-terminated workers with ongoing lawsuits.
This guide will cover the basics of wrongful terminations and how you can get a settlement. Read on to learn how Lawsuit Cash Today can help you access your compensation earlier.
What Constitutes Wrongful Termination?
All states, except Montana, enforce an “at-will employment” law. This means that employers may terminate employment at any time, for any reason. They may even fire their workers for no specific reason at all.
However, employers in these “at-will” states may still face wrongful termination lawsuits. This can occur if an employer fires a worker for an illegal reason.
Here are a few examples of grounds for wrongful termination.
Violation of Anti-Discrimination Laws
Workers may sue past employers for violating federal anti-discrimination laws. In addition, these companies may also face workplace discrimination lawsuits.
That’s because, under federal law, it’s illegal to fire a worker based on their gender, race, or ethnicity. It’s also against the law for an employer to use reasons like religion or disability. These are all unlawful acts under Equal Employment Opportunity (EEO) laws.
It’s illegal to fire a worker who filed a legal complaint against their employer. The same applies to employees who served as a “whistleblower” in a legal case. In these situations, workers can sue their employer for retaliation.
An example is getting fired after lodging a complaint about workplace OSHA violations. These workplace hazards are widespread, with over 30,000 for the top 10 violations alone. It is a worker’s every right to file reports about such workplace dangers.
However, employers who get reported often getting penalized with hefty fines. As such, some have taken to firing whistleblowing employees. If this happened to you, you should consider filing a whistleblower lawsuit.
Termination Related to Politics or Personal Opinions

Many states make it illegal to fire employees due to their political or personal views. For instance, employers in California should not forbid workers from engaging in politics. Neither can they fire employees who choose to support a movement or protests.
States have varying laws on these matters, but most share laws similar to those of the Golden State. If you think your termination has to do with a political or personal view, it’s time to lawyer up. You may be able to pursue a wrongful termination lawsuit against your employer.
Traditional Loans vs. Wrongful Termination Lawsuit Loans
Once you have filed a case, you can start applying for wrongful termination lawsuit loans. This way, you can use a part of your expected settlement even before you receive the check for it.
Wrongful termination pre-settlement loans are a type of cash advance financing program. They let you tap the compensation you’re anticipating from your claim or lawsuit. Rather than being “true loans,” however, they’re more like cash withdrawals.
Here’s how conventional loans differ from wrongful termination cash advances.
Loans from Banks or Credit Unions
Suppose you take out a $5,000 personal loan with a repayment term of 24 months from a traditional bank. In this case, you’d need to make payments of $200, plus interest and other fees, to the bank every month. The bank will hold you legally responsible for paying all that on a monthly basis.
Failure to make a loan repayment will, in turn, incur late payment fees, raising your total loan costs. Moreover, late payments lower your credit score, which then affects your creditworthiness. If you don’t make any payment at all, then your loan defaults.
Defaulting on a loan will result in a debt collection agency contacting you. Do note that it’s illegal for collection agencies to threaten or harass you. However, the lender can still “seize” your property if you used it as collateral for the loan.
Also, don’t forget that defaulting on a loan can lead to a significant decrease in your credit score. Such problems can stay on your credit report for up to seven years (or even longer). This means that you may have a hard time getting new credit for at least seven years.
Wrongful Termination Pre-Settlement Loans
Wrongful termination case loans are non-recourse loans. This is one of the most significant differences they have over traditional loans.
Non-recourse loans are those that don’t require repayment unless you win your case. You won’t owe the litigation funding provider any penny if you lose your lawsuit. The only time that you need to repay the cash advance on your wrongful termination lawsuit is if you win.
Another primary difference is that pre-settlement loans don’t require credit checks. You don’t have to worry about

the lawsuit loan lender pulling your credit report. These lenders, after all, don’t use credit scores as a qualifying factor.
Instead, what you need is to have an attorney represent your case. This is essential as lawsuit lenders do assume a lot of risk in giving you a cash advance. Remember: if you don’t win, then the money they gave you will be their loss.
That’s why lawsuit loan lenders need confirmation that you have a viable case. In personal injury cases, an attorney often increases a plaintiff’s chance of success. As such, it’s crucial to have a lawyer handling your case if you wish to apply for litigation funding.
Don’t Wait Months to Get Access to Your Compensation
If you believe that your employer has unjustly fired you, seek legal assistance as soon as you can. This way, an attorney can help you file a wrongful termination lawsuit. Once you have an ongoing case, consider applying for wrongful termination lawsuit loans.
Here at Lawsuit Cash Today, we specialize in providing immediate litigation funding. If you qualify, we can help you tap your expected settlement within just 24 to 48 hours. Get in touch with us now so we can give you that early access to your anticipated compensation.
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