Amputations Injury Lawsuit Funding Settlement Cash Advance
Amputations Injury Lawsuit Funding – If you have lost a limb due to a workplace accident, defective machine, or illness,

then you are well aware of the dramatic changes in your life as a result. Amputated limbs can occur from the use of rotating machinery and blades that can catch a piece of clothing and drag the unfortunate victim into its sharp blades. The lack of safeguards, shut-off switches, warnings, or other protective shields or devices can be grounds for a product liability lawsuit.
Other causes are car and motorcycle accidents, farm accidents, use of power tools, inadequate training, and improper repairs. Surgical errors or failure to diagnose a condition or to treat it promptly or correctly can lead to the loss of a limb and a medical malpractice claim. There are also complications or known side effects following an amputation such as infection, poor wound healing, chronic neuroma, and Sympathetic Dystrophy Syndrome, all of which can be attributed to the original negligent conduct or defective design of a piece of equipment that led to the injury.
The changes to your life can be difficult to adapt to at first. Special training in the use of a prosthetic device may be needed and you may have to forego engaging in a favorite sport or pastime. A vehicle may need to be specially equipped and other changes in your home or workplace may need to be made. Depending on your type of work, you may have to be retrained or receive additional education to pursue another occupation.
Suing a physician in case of medical negligence or bringing a product liability suit against a major manufacturer often requires time, resources, a competent attorney, and a lot patience. These cases can take years to settle before there are any signs of a possible settlement or the setting of a trial date. Many victims of serious injuries like yourself cannot afford to wait years before their cases resolve. If you can no longer work, your mortgage, rents, car payment, loans, and the expenses for the necessities of everyday living may become more difficult to meet with each passing day. But if you could have compensation for your lawsuit within days, why not take advantage? Especially if it means no out-of-pocket costs to you, no collateral, no monthly payments, and no obligation to pay it back if you lose your case.
With Legal Funding, You Can Have Cash Now
Welcome to Lawsuit Cash Today, one of the legal industry’s premiere companies. We offer pre-settlement cash advances to injured people like you. We only get paid back when your case is resolved and you do not have to have sound credit or even a job. Because all our funds to you are non-recourse, you do not have to pay us back if you lose your case. You have no risk and incur no out-of-pocket costs.
Look at the benefits of using Lawsuit Cash Today:
- 24/7 access to our company
- No credit check or employment verification is necessary
- Direct funding so no outside funders consult on your case
- Flexible and highly competitive rates
- A free, online application you can quickly complete and submit
- No out-of-pocket costs
- No monthly payments
- No collateral
- Fast approval and funding within 24 hours in many cases
- Large or small cash advances
All you need to qualify is that you have a serious injury, such as an amputated limb from an accident caused by someone’s negligence, a viable lawsuit, and are represented by an attorney. If you fit this qualification, then complete our free, online application or call us today. Our representatives are always available to help or to answer any questions. With no need for a credit check or employment verification, we could be talking to your attorney within days or less once we receive your application. If we approve your request, which could be done in one day or two, we will immediately send you and your attorney our terms and cash offer. Should you accept our offer, you can have your funds in as little as 24 hours. Imagine getting financial relief now for your lawsuit instead of years from now.
Don’t worry about making monthly payments to us or risk losing your car or other collateral. With Lawsuit Cash Today, all you have to concern yourself with is recovering from your injuries. We also offer post-settlement advances if you are experiencing a delay in getting your funds. If you have a structured settlement and would like more cash, contact us. We can purchase one or several structured settlement payments, or even whole annuities from people who want their cash now.
Amputations can result in serious losses to you. But having cash now for your lawsuit can alleviate some of that stress and hardship. Contact us today and see if we can help.
To fill out our free 30 second application, please – CLICK HERE
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